“Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He
is doing. He is getting the drains right
and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed
doing and so you are not surprised. But
presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and
does not seem to make any sense. What on
earth is He up to? The explanation is
that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of—throwing
out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making
courtyards. You thought you were being
made into a decent little cottage: but
He is building a palace. He intends to
come and live in it Himself.”
― C.S. Lewis, Mere
I think birthdays always make us a little
introspective. Today, I can’t help but
think about what a different place I’m in this year than I was last
year—literally and figuratively.
This week I’m in Colorado at Greater Europe Mission’s
headquarters for Candidate Orientation.
I had been anticipating this for months…then getting excited as the
date got closer and closer…and then last week I panicked.
Am I really supposed to be here? Can I do this? Is God really calling me to France, or am I
doing this just because I want to?
I am definitely a thinker, and over the past few months, the
thoughts have been coming and going faster than I can make sense of them. I feel like I’ve been trying to take all
these scraps and post-its of thoughts and to put them together, so that I can
organize them into little files to store away in my mind and heart. Journaling and blogging has helped, but there
are still some nagging, half-processed thoughts that don’t seem to fit into any
Yesterday during our morning worship, we talked a bit about
what it means for God to break us in order to reshape us and use us. I’ve definitely experienced this over the
past year. One of these areas that I keep
coming back to time and time again is my desire to know God’s whole plan, when all He is showing me is
one step at a time. I struggle to find
the balance between wanting to be in control (which I’m not) and simply wanting
to give God my best, which I think includes being as prepared as I can be.
For example, right now God has called me to be a
teacher. I can’t serve Him to the best
of my ability without taking time to plan and prepare for my students. The unexpected can (and does) still occur,
but I’m a more effective teacher if I take the time to study, prepare, and
practice what I’m doing.
Yet, for some reason, when it comes to this journey of
missions that God has me on, overthinking seems to be my biggest enemy. I know it’s normal to have doubts and
hesitations when starting something new, but the more I try to sort through
them and process them, the more confused I get.
So last night I took a little walk under the beautiful Colorado stars,
and I boiled it all down to these three options:
- I can go back to where I was last year at this time, and forget everything that God has done in me since then.
- I can stay exactly where He has me right now.
- I can keep moving forward, one step at a time.
#1 is ridiculous; we can’t move back in time, and even if I tried, I can’t change the circumstances that have brought me to where I am; I can’t bring back people or opportunities that are gone; and most importantly, I can’t forget the lessons God has taught me since then.
#2 is equally absurd.
Even though change is scary, it’s
a part of life. Things can’t stay the
same forever; if they did, we would never grow.
So #3 it is…keep moving forward, trusting that as God has
guided me so far, He will continue to do so—in His timing, not mine.
I’m so grateful for Bible Study Fellowship and the
difference it has made in my life. I
remember hearing early on that it is “a season of preparation for a lifetime of
service.” To be honest, when I heard
that, I didn’t ever want the season of preparation to end! A lifetime of service seems scary and
hard. But it’s not really preparation if
you’re not actually preparing for
I’ve been able to use so much of what I’ve learned in BSF
and apply it where I am. Now God is
teaching me new things, and it seems, calling me to a new place.
I don’t know if I’ll end up in France. If I go, I don’t know if I’ll be successful
there. If I am, I don’t know if I’ll
stay or come back. If I come back, I don’t
know what I’ll do when I get here. I can’t
know any of that, and I could make myself crazy trying to figure it out. All I know is I have to keep moving forward,
one step at a time.
I appreciate C.S. Lewis’s quote above. It is really painful when God starts
demolishing walls that I thought looked fine right where they were. But He is the architect, and He alone knows
the blueprint. I don’t need to see it to
know that His house will be infinitely better than the one I would have built
on my own.
For we are God’s
masterpiece. He has created us anew in
Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
–Ephesians 2:10